Poppy Project 2024
We had such a wonderful response from the community we added banners at the Cayuga Cenotaph this year.
and we are grateful to the group from St.Paul's Prayer Shawl Ministry for their continued support and the many groups and individuals who knit and crochet the poppies to add to the banners.

Thank you to all those who came out to put up the HHS Poppy Displays for the 2024 Remembrance Day ceremonies. We began creating these banners in 2022- Caledonia was first, then in 2023 Hagersville and this year the Cayuga banner was created. Over 4000 poppies have been knitted & crocheted and donated by community members.
They all create a moving display for the community.

In January we had 120 poppies donated and by April over 1000 from various community groups we were able to surpass our targeted goal.
St. Paul's prayer Shawl Group, Cayuga Seniors, Caledonia Seniors and many individuals.
The members and friends of Haldimand Horticultural Society gathered in September to assemble the display at the workshop of our President, Elsie Eubank.
We will continue to accept poppies dropped off at the libraries in Caledonia, Hagersville, Cayuga and Jarvis for next year. this has been a very successful project for connecting Haldimand Horticultural Society and people from the community.

The idea came from Ontario Horticultural Association District Director Catherine McGill who was associated with the Niagara on the Lake Poppy Project. Catherine encouraged us early in November 2021 to discuss the opportunity of creating a display in the Haldimand Horticultural Society gardens at the Caledonia Cenotaph similar to the one she saw in Niagara on the Lake. Our initial goal was to collect 900 poppies but our group of gardeners would not be able to accomplish this without the help of those who love to crochet and knit.
Selkirk Poppy Project member Jenny Bryce was the inspiration for a wonderful display in Selkirk last year. Jenny encouraged us to begin early in January and on November 11, 2021 she sent us the pattern the Selkirk Poppy Group used to crochet and knit their poppies. We added the patterns to our website and dropped off a few patterns at the local libraries in Haldimand.
* Anne Jay a member since 1998 of Haldimand Horticultural Society encouraged the St. Paul’s Prayer Shawl Group to contribute poppies. This is a knitting club she meets with weekly at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Caledonia. Anne herself crocheted 450 poppies and included a few of the purple poppies in remembrance of the animals who also made the great sacrifice.
Horses were used to move heavy equipment , dogs to detect explosives & locate wounded soldiers, messenger pigeons, and companions for the soldiers.
* HHS member Shaunna Beaty also crocheted the special purple poppies for the project
* Barb Wilson, Vice President of Haldimand Horticultural Society crocheted 311 in honour of her father James McAlpine Harrison- 2nd WW, her two Grandpas, Fred Harrison and Arthur Vernon- 1st WW and her father-in-law Charlie Fay- 2nd WW.
* Judy Dugan and Mary Martindale members of the Cayuga Seniors Drop in Centre knitting club donated 140 poppies
* Caledonia Cypress Knitting Club donated poppies. Their group meets at the Cypress 55+ Seniors Building on Inverness Street providing leisure activities for older adults
* Wanda Nelson working at the Jarvis Library would bring poppy donations made by The Jarvis Knitting Social Club which meets at the Jarvis library Thursdays 2-4pm
* We had a special contribution from Audrey Teal a senior who at 93 years in March donated poppies she knitted for our Poppy Project. Audrey has since passed away but we are grateful for her contribution.
* Haldimand Horticultural Society has a youth group called the Green Gardians who created a special banner with a flag
LEST WE FORGET that hung from the upper landing at the front of the Edinburgh Square Heritage & Cultural Centre
Haldimand Horticultural Society would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Poppy Project and we are so grateful for the support of the various groups and individuals.
“40 years of Growing”
The HHS created 3 displays of poppy banners this November at the Caledonia,
Hagersville and Cayuga Cenotaphs. We are grateful to the community (individuals and
groups such as St. Paul’s Anglican Church Prayer Shawl Group) for donations of
knitted and crocheted poppies in red, purple and white for these displays. Total
number of poppies donated since 2022 are: 4115. Two members, Anne Jay & Barbara
Jean Garvie have donated 700 & 400 respectively. Next November we plan on creating
a new banner for the cenotaph in Jarvis.